(Specifications subject to change without notice. Check with factory for the latest revisions.) The Federal Trade Commission considers no existing test methods or standards regarding flammability as accurate indicators of the performance of cellular plastic materials under actual fire conditions. Results of existing test methods, such as UL-94, MVSS-302, SAE J-369, and FAR 25.853 are intended only as measurements of the performance of such materials under specific controlled test conditions. Any flammability ratings shown are not intended to reflect hazards presented by these materials under actual fire conditions. The information contained herein is based on laboratory test data developed for PTI and is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. The buyer must test any product to determine the suitability for this specific application before use. PTI DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR: 1) WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND PURPOSE, 2) VERBAL RECOMMENDATIONS, 3) CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FROM USE AND 4) VIOLATION OF ANY PATENTS OR TRADEMARKS HELD BY OTHERS.)